Morning Sex
I admit it...I LOVE morning sex. It is totally different from sex during other times of the day.
You know when you are in that state somewhere between dream and awake? When everything seems kind of surreal?
Hmm....that is the time I like to languish in bed and be made love to. Have my body touched, probed, kissed, licked. Don't forget the licking part...It's kind of important.
Once you have my attention and I am fully awake, I promise I will return the favor in kind!
Anyone want to call and wake up with me?
What do you find sexy?
Is it physical? The shape of a girl's body? The way she moves? The sexy way she dresses?
Or is it a feeling? Sexual chemistry? That certain "come fuck me" luck in her eyes?
Maybe it is attitude? Some girls just ooze attitude that some men respond to.
Or maybe it is a little of all of these? A girl looking hot, showing off her body to you, oozing sexual desire?
Well, I call me and let's see if we can find out what you find sexy.